Model of polar daily geomagnetic variation caused by ionospheric currents (AMPS model)

Thematic areas: Ionosphere/Magnetosphere

Applicable missions: Swarm

Applicable spacecraft: Swarm-A, Swarm-B, Swarm-C


Model of polar daily geomagnetic variation caused by ionospheric currents (AMPS model)

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Product identifier MIO_SHA_2E
Definition An empirical model of the Average Magnetic field and Polar current System (AMPS). See:
- forward code at doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1182931
- science paper at doi: 10.1029/2018JA025387
Input data Swarm magnetic field (MAG-L) measurements, CHAMP magnetic field measurements, model predictions of core, lithospheric and large-scale magnetospheric (including Earth-induced) contributions, taken by the CHAOS geomagnetic field model, OMNI solar wind measurements, F10.7 index
Input time span Entire Swarm mission + entire CHAMP mission
Spatial representation Spherical harmonic expansion in QD/modified apex coordinates, with degree up to 45/65 for poloidal/toroidal magnetic field parts. Spherical harmonic order (in MLT) up to 3
Time representation Time dependence contained in parametrization in terms of external parameters: 20 min average solar wind speed and interplanetary magnetic field, dipole tilt angle, and F10.7 index
Units Magnetic field in nT, horizontal sheet current density in mA/m, vertical current density in µA/m2
Resolution 0.1 nT, 1 mA/m, 0.01 µA/m2
Uncertainty See doi: 10.1029/2018JA025387
Quality indicator N/A
Data volume 218 kB
Data format ASCII
Output data Spherical harmonic coefficient
Output time span Model is based on data from entire CHAMP and Swarm missions, but it is in principle valid for any time when solar wind data was available
Update rate Yearly (to be confirmed)
Latency 2 months, due to update rate of OMNI data and computation time

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