Magnetic field (1Hz) from VFM and ASM

Thematic areas: Magnetic measurements, Space Weather

Applicable missions: Swarm

Applicable spacecraft: Swarm-A, Swarm-B, Swarm-C


The MAGx_LR_1B Product contains magnetic vector and scalar data at 1 Hz rate. The spacecraft data are processed to provide MAGx_LR_1B data at exact UTC seconds, i.e. both VFM vector and ASM scalar data are interpolated to yield these data. Hence, small gaps in the VFM or ASM data need not cause gaps in the product as the gaps may be filled by this interpolation. Any gaps, however, will have an impact on the error estimate of the associated product element.

Data access

FAST processing


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File contents

Variable Units Description Dim Type
Timestamp UTC Time of observation 1 CDF_EPOCH
SyncStatus - Synchronization status 1 CDF_UINT2
Latitude deg Position in ITRF - Latitude 1 CDF_DOUBLE
Longitude deg Position in ITRF - Longitude 1 CDF_DOUBLE
Radius m Position in ITRF - Radius 1 CDF_DOUBLE
F nT Magnetic field intensity 1 CDF_DOUBLE
dF_Sun nT Magnetic stray field correction of Sun induced perturbation at ASM sensor 1 CDF_DOUBLE
dF_AOCS nT Magnetic stray field correction intensity of AOCS magneto-torquer coils 1 CDF_DOUBLE
dF_other nT Magnetic stray field correction intensity of all other sources 1 CDF_DOUBLE
F_error nT Error estimate on magnetic field intensity 1 CDF_DOUBLE
B_VFM nT Magnetic field vector, VFM frame 3 CDF_DOUBLE
B_NEC nT Magnetic field vector, NEC frame 3 CDF_DOUBLE
dB_Sun nT Magnetic stray field correction vector of Sun induced perturbation, VFM frame 3 CDF_DOUBLE
dB_AOCS nT Magnetic stray field correction vector of AOCS magneto-torquer coils, VFM frame 3 CDF_DOUBLE
dB_other nT Magnetic stray field correction vector of all other sources, VFM frame 3 CDF_DOUBLE
B_error nT Error estimates on magnetic field, VFM frame 3 CDF_DOUBLE
q_NEC_CRF - Quaternion, transformation: NEC - CRF 4 CDF_DOUBLE
Att_error mdeg Error estimates on attitude information 1 CDF_DOUBLE
Flags_F - Flags characterizing the magnetic field intensity measurement (F) 1 CDF_UINT1
Flags_B - Flags characterizing the magnetic field measurement 1 CDF_UINT1
Flags_q - Flags characterizing the attitude information 1 CDF_UINT1
Flags_Platform - Flags characterizing the S/C platform information 1 CDF_UINT2
ASM_Freq_Dev - ASM frequency calibration data deviation 1 CDF_DOUBLE

More details

Meaning of Flags_F, Flags_B, Flags_q and Flags_Platform in the data product
Flag Value Description
Flags_F 0 Magnetic field intensity measurements (ASM) nominal (scalar mode)
1 ASM running in vector mode
2 Outlier detected, gap, or not enough ASM frequency calibration data for filtering
3 Combination (sum) of values 1 and 2
4 At least one of 4 nearest ASM samples is suspicious
5-7 Combination (sum) of values 1-4
8 Within 8 seconds after ASM restart, loss of magnetic field lock, or telemetry gap
9-15 Combination (sum) of values 1-8
16 Discrepancy between ASM and VFM measurements – at least one of the 4 nearest ASM samples differ from VFM measurements
17-31 Combination (sum) of values 1-16
32 Gap in 4 nearest ASM samples
33-63 Combination (sum) of values 1-32
64 VFM instrument turned off, i.e. no stray field corrections
65-79, 96-111 Combination (sum) of value 64 with values 1-15 and 32-47
255 Not enough ASM samples to generate F.
Flags_B 0 Magnetic field vector measurements (VFM) nominal
1 ASM instrument turned off
2 Outlier detected, gap, or not enough VFM temperature data for filtering
3 Both conditions (values) 1 and 2 above
4 More than 5 suspiciuos VFM samples in 2 seconds surrounding record time
5-7 Combination (sum) of values 1-4
8 Discrepancy between ASM and VFM measurements
10,12,14 Combination (sum) of values 2, 4, 8
16 Gap in VFM samples in surrounding 2 seconds (by rejection or missing data)
17-24,26,28,30 Combination (sum) of values 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 (but not 1 and 8 simultaneously)
255 Not enough VFM samples to generate B_VFM and B_NEC
Flags_q 0 Attitude information (STR) nominal
1 Lack of 1 or 2 attitudes of CHU1 in 4 nearest STR samples
2 Lack of 1 or 2 attitudes of CHU2 in 4 nearest STR samples
3 Lack of 1 or 2 attitudes of CHU3 in 4 nearest STR samples
4 Lack of 3 or 4 attitudes of CHU1 in 4 nearest STR samples
5 Lack of 3 or 4 attitudes of CHU2 in 4 nearest STR samples
6 Lack of 3 or 4 attitudes of CHU3 in 4 nearest STR samples
7 Not currently used
8 On-ground aberrational correction of any attitude sample among 4 nearest STR samples.
9-14 As 1-7 above with on-ground aberrational correction of any attitude sample among 4 nearest STR samples.
15 Not currently used
16 CHU1 obscured by bright object in 4 nearest STR samples (all 4 CHU1 samples invalid), CHU2 and CHU3 ok
17 CHU2 obscured by bright object in 4 nearest STR samples (all 4 CHU2 samples invalid) , CHU1 and CHU3 ok
18 CHU3 obscured by bright object in 4 nearest STR samples (all 4 CHU3 samples invalid) , CHU1 and CHU2 ok
19 Lack of 2-4 attitudes of CHU1 and CHU2 in 4 nearest STR samples, but not both simultaneously
20 Lack of 2-4 attitudes of CHU1 and CHU3 in 4 nearest STR samples, but not both simultaneously
21 Lack of 2-4 attitudes of CHU2 and CHU3 in 4 nearest STR samples, but not both simultaneously
22 Lack of 3-4 attitudes of CHU1, CHU2, and CHU3 in 4 nearest STR samples, but not two simultaneously
23 Not currently used
24-30 As 16-22 above with on-ground aberrational correction.
31 Not currently used
32 1 or 2 attitudes based on CHU1 alone (CHU2 and CHU3 missing) in 4 nearest STR samples
33 1 or 2 attitudes based on CHU2 alone in 4 nearest STR samples
34 1 or 2 attitudes based on CHU3 alone in 4 nearest STR samples
35 2 attitudes based on single, intermittent CHU alone in 4 nearest STR samples
36-39 Not currently used
40-43 As 32-35 above with on-ground aberrational correction.
44-47 Not currently used
48 1 attitude sample missing among 4 nearest STR samples (data gap)
49 2 attitude samples missing among 4 nearest STR samples
50 3 or more attitude samples missing among 4 nearest STR samples
51 3 or 4 attitudes based on CHU1 alone in 4 nearest STR samples
52 3 or 4 attitudes based on CHU2 alone in 4 nearest STR samples
53 3 or 4 attitudes based on CHU3 alone in 4 nearest STR samples
54 3 or 4 attitudes based on single, intermittent CHU alone in 4 nearest STR samples
55 Not currently used
56-62 As 48-54 above with on-ground aberrational correction.
63-254 Not currently used
255 Not enough STR data for generating attitude information.
Flags_Platform 0 Platform telemetry nominal (no missing or suspicious data)
1 Thruster latch valves open, thrusters not activated
2 Thrusters activated
4 Gap in Bus telemetry, 1 or 2 samples missing
5-7 Used for combinations (sum) of values 1, 2, and 4
8 Outlier detected in Bus currents
9-15 Used for combinations (sum) of values 1-8
16 Not enough data for filtering Bus currents (due to large gap or jump in data)
17-31 Used for combinations (sum) of values 1-16
32 Change in instrument state according to Bus telemetry
33-63 Used for combinations (sum) of values 1-32
64 No Bus telemetry available (for extended period)
65-67 Used for combinations (sum) of values 1, 2 and 64
128 Gap in AOCS telemetry
129-195 Used for combinations (sum) of values 1-67 and 128
256 Position information based on on-board (GPSR) navigational solution
257-323, 384-451 Used for combinations (sum) of values 1-67, 128, and 256

Related resources

Level 1B Product Descriptions:

Level 1B Product Format page:

Technical Notes:
