Magnetic vector and scalar data for monitoring and calibration purposes

Thematic areas: Magnetic measurements

Applicable missions: Swarm

Applicable spacecraft: Swarm-A, Swarm-B, Swarm-C


The MAGx_CA_1B Product contains magnetic calibration data for monitoring, verification, and re-estimation of calibration parameters. It contains raw as well as processed VFM vector measurements, VFM temperatures, and fully converted and corrected ASM measurements at 1 Hz rate. This is essentially the data used for the Temporal Calibration File (TCF.VFM) estimation but including also the raw VFM data.

Data access

FAST processing


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File contents

Variable Units Description Dim Type
Timestamp UTC Time of observation 1 CDF_EPOCH
SyncStatus - Synchronization status 1 CDF_UINT2
Latitude deg Position in ITRF - Latitude 1 CDF_DOUBLE
Longitude deg Position in ITRF - Longitude 1 CDF_DOUBLE
Radius m Position in ITRF - Radius 1 CDF_DOUBLE
F nT Magnetic field intensity 1 CDF_DOUBLE
dF_Sun nT Magnetic stray field correction of Sun induced perturbation at ASM sensor 1 CDF_DOUBLE
dF_AOCS nT Magnetic stray field correction intensity of AOCS magneto-torquer coils 1 CDF_DOUBLE
dF_other nT Magnetic stray field correction intensity of all other sources 1 CDF_DOUBLE
F_error nT Error estimate on magnetic field intensity 1 CDF_DOUBLE
F_VFM nT Magnetic field intensity from the VFM instrument,converted and corrected 1 CDF_DOUBLE
B nT Magnetic field vector, VFM frame 3 CDF_DOUBLE
dB_Sun nT Magnetic stray field correction vector of Sun induced perturbation, VFM frame 3 CDF_DOUBLE
dB_AOCS nT Magnetic stray field correction vector of AOCS magneto-torquer coils, VFM frame 3 CDF_DOUBLE
dB_other nT Magnetic stray field correction vector of all other sources, VFM frame 3 CDF_DOUBLE
B_pre nT Pre-calibrated VFM magnetic field vector, VFM frame, time Time+dt 3 CDF_DOUBLE
EU_VFM eu Raw VFM measuremet, time Time+dt_VFM 3 CDF_DOUBLE
T_CDC C Temperature of VFM CDC, time Time+dt_VFM 1 CDF_DOUBLE
T_CSC C Temperature of VFM CSC, time Time+dt_VFM 1 CDF_DOUBLE
T_EU C Temperature of VFM EU, time Time+dt_VFM 1 CDF_DOUBLE
dt_VFM s Time offset of VFM measurement 1 CDF_DOUBLE
alpha deg Solar inclination angle, rotation about y axis, S/C frame, time Time+dt 1 CDF_DOUBLE
beta deg Solar inclination angle, angle to y axis, S/C frame, time Time+dt 1 CDF_DOUBLE

More details


Related resources

Level 1B Product Descriptions:

Level 1B Product Format page:

Technical Notes:
