Auroral electrojets line profile - SECS method

Thematic areas: Ionosphere/Magnetosphere, Space Weather

Applicable missions: Swarm

Applicable spacecraft: Swarm-A, Swarm-B, Swarm-C


Characterization of the electrojet sheet current density as well as the total horizontal sheet and associated large-scale field-aligned current density along the Swarm orbit ionospheric footprints at auroral latitudes (by using SECS method).

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File contents

Variable Units Description Dim Type
t Time of observation, UTC 1 CDF_EPOCH
Latitude deg Position in ITRF - Geocentric latitude 1 CDF_DOUBLE
Longitude deg Position in ITRF - Geocentric longitude 1 CDF_DOUBLE
Latitude_QD deg Quasi-dipole latitude 1 CDF_DOUBLE
Longitude_QD deg Quasi-dipole longitude 1 CDF_DOUBLE
MLT hour Magnetic local time (QD) 1 CDF_DOUBLE
J_CF A/km North and East component of the curl-free horizontal sheet current density vector in geocentric frame 2 CDF_DOUBLE
J_DF A/km North and East component of the divergence-free horizontal sheet current density vector in geocentric frame 2 CDF_DOUBLE
J_CF_SemiQD A/km North component of the curl-free horizontal sheet current density in SemiQD3 frame 1 CDF_DOUBLE
J_DF_SemiQD A/km East component of the divergence-free horizontal sheet current density in SemiQD3 frame 1 CDF_DOUBLE
J_r A/km^2 Radial ionospheric current density at 110 km altitude in SemiQD3 frame 1 CDF_DOUBLE
t_qual Time instants of quality information (RMS_misfit and Confidence), attached to the beginning time of the oval crossing4, UTC 1 CDF_EPOCH
RMS_misfit nT Root Mean Square error misfit between observations and model values for the oval crossing4 1 CDF_DOUBLE
Confidence - Goodness of fit computed as 1 - (residual rms / signal rms) for the oval crossing4 1 CDF_DOUBLE

More details

Product identifier AEJxLPS_2F
Definition Latitude profiles of high-latitude ionospheric horizontal sheet current densities and radial current densities using the Spherical Elementary Current Systems method (Juusola, L. et al., doi: 10.1186/BF03351964).
Input Data MAGx_LR_1B, Latest CHAOS model1 including, core, lithosphere, magnetosphere and secondary currents.
Input Time Span 24 h
Spatial representation One geographic, quasi-dipole latitude/longitude pair for each output value, given at Swarm footprints (at 110 km altitude) according to the time representation of this product2. The footprints have been determined with mapping along the geomagnetic field line.
Time representation 1 Hz
Units A/km and A/km2
Resolution Full resolution (Double precision)
Uncertainty c.f. Juusola et al., doi: 10.1002/2016JA022961
Quality indicator RMS and confidence characterizing the misfit between modelled and measured magnetic field by Swarm
Data volume ~3 MB
Data format CDF
Output time span 24 h5
Update rate Daily
Latency < 1 day
Notes 1 Version information of Input Data are available in the CDF global attributes.
2 Although the Spatial Representation is given with 1 Hz (~7 km) resolution, the method can resolve current structures with ~1 deg resolution.
3 Horizontal current components will be given both in geocentric frame and in a spherical frame whose north pole is defined by the QD frame (SW-DS-GFZ-GS-001_AEBS_DPA, Swarm-AEBS Description of the Processing Algorithm). The latitude and longitude of QD north pole are available in the CDF global attributes LatitudePOLEQD and LongitudePOLEQD respectively. These are vectors of two elements. The 1st (2nd) value is for the case when Swarm is in the northern (southern) hemisphere.
4 In SECS method the equatorward boundary of oval crossing is always +/- 50 QD latitude and the poleward boundary is at +/-85 QD latitude if the satellite trajectory covers such high latitudes.
5 Product always contain data from the start of the first oval crossing of the day until the end of the last oval crossing starting that day, i.e., may contain data from the next day if oval crossing occurs around midnight.

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