Non-gravitational and aerodynamic accelerations

Thematic areas: Thermosphere, Acceleration measurements

Applicable missions: Swarm

Applicable spacecraft: Swarm-A, Swarm-B, Swarm-C


Time series of non-gravitational and aerodynamic accelerations obtained by Precise Orbit Determination (POD).

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File contents

Variable Units Description Dim Type
time - Time of observation 1 CDF_EPOCH
acc_pod m/s/s Total non-gravitational acceleration in satellite reference frame (X, Y, Z) 3 CDF_DOUBLE
acc_pod_aero m/s/s Aerodynamic acceleration in satellite reference frame (X, Y, Z) 3 CDF_DOUBLE
validity_flag_tot - Flag: 0 = nominal data, 1 = anomalous data 1 CDF_INT1
validity_flag - Flag: 0 = nominal data, 1 = anomalous data 1 CDF_INT1

More details

Product identifier ACCxPOD_2_
Definition Time series of non-gravitational and aerodynamic accelerations obtained by POD
Input data GPSx_RO_1B, STRxATT_1B, SC_xDYN_1B, External data from CODE
Input time span 30 hr (daily batches with overlap)
Spatial representation N/A
Time representation UTC (seconds – s), time step = 30 sec
Units m/s2
Resolution 64 bit double precision floating point number format
Uncertainty 10-7 m/s2 variance for along-track and cross-track directions
Quality indicator Validation report DNSxVAL_2_
Data volume < 10 Kb per satellite per day
Output data CDF file with time series of accelerations
Output time span 24 hr
Update rate 1 month
Latency 21 days
Notes The total non-gravitational acceleration (variable "acc_pod") is used for calibrating the accelerometer data (in product "ACCxCAL_2"), whereas the aerodynamic acceleration (variable "acc_pod_aero") is used for the calculation of thermosphere density (in product "DNSxPOD_2").

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Level 2 Product Description:
