Time series of the ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) derived for GRACE 1 and 2 satellites

Thematic areas: Space Weather, Ionosphere/Magnetosphere

Applicable missions: GRACE

Applicable spacecraft: GRACE-A, GRACE-B


Integrated electron density along the line of sight from GRACE 1 and 2 to GNSS satellites

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File contents

Variable Name Type Dim Unit Description
Timestamp CDF_EPOCH 1 ms Time of observation, UTC
Latitude CDF_DOUBLE 1 deg GRACE position in ITRF – Geocentric latitude
Longitude CDF_DOUBLE 1 deg GRACE position in ITRF – Geocentric longitude
Radius CDF_DOUBLE 1 m GRACE position in ITRF – Geocentric radius (from the Earth centre)
GPS_Position CDF_DOUBLE 3 m X-, Y-, Z-coordinates of the GPS satellite
LEO_Position CDF_DOUBLE 3 m X-, Y-, Z-coordinates of the GRACE satellite
PRN CDF_UINT2 1 - Pseudorandom noise (PRN) code of GPS satellite
L1 CDF_DOUBLE 1 m GPS L1C (LA in RINEX v.2.20) carrier phase observation
L2 CDF_DOUBLE 1 m GPS L2W (L2 in RINEX v.2.20) carrier phase observation
P1 CDF_DOUBLE 1 m GPS C1W (P1 in RINEX v.2.20) code phase observation
P2 CDF_DOUBLE 1 m GPS C2W (P2 in RINEX v.2.20) code phase observation
S1_C_N0 CDF_DOUBLE 1 dB-Hz GPS S1 carrier-to-noise density C/N0 [AD-4] (Sect.
S2_C_N0 CDF_DOUBLE 1 dB-Hz GPS S2 carrier-to-noise density C/N0 [AD-4] (Sect.
Absolute_STEC CDF_DOUBLE 1 TECU Absolute slant TEC
Absolute_VTEC CDF_DOUBLE 1 TECU Absolute vertical TEC
Elevation_Angle CDF_DOUBLE 1 deg Elevation angle
Relative_STEC CDF_DOUBLE 1 TECU Relative slant TEC
Relative_STEC_RMS CDF_DOUBLE 1 TECU Root mean square of relative slant TEC2
DCB CDF_DOUBLE 1 TECU GPS receiver differential code bias (DCB3) (P2–P1)
DCB_Error CDF_DOUBLE 1 TECU Post fit RMS of the least square system using pairs of mapped slant TEC

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